15. Formal Methods in System Resilience: From Analysis to Control

Organizers: Rong Su, Xiang Yin

Location: Orchid Junior 4212


Engineering systems that involve physical elements controlled by computational infrastructure are called Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). CPS are present in almost every modern automated system, ranging from manufacturing and transportation systems over telecommunication networks to large-scale computer clusters. The ever-increasing demand for safety, security, performance, and certification of these – often safety-critical – CPS put stringent constraints on their design. This necessitates the use of formal, model-based approaches to analyze and design secure, reliable and performant systems.

Resilience has emerged as a property of major interest for the design and analysis of a complex system. It describes the system ability to continue providing its designed services or functions, even after disruptive changes in the system, caused either by faults, or other naturally occurring phenomena, or by malicious actions. Formal methods in resilience has been enjoying a spotlight in many different fields, including the Discrete Event Systems (DES) community, hybrid systems community and computer science community. This workshop aims to report recent research achievements related to formal analysis and control for resilience and to identify relevant challenges. It will focus on two main themes:

  • Formal Analysis for Resilience, which include safety verification, diagnosability/detectability analysis of DES in networked environments under attacks, information-flow security analysis and efficient resilience verification for infinite systems.
  •  Formal Control Synthesis for Resilience, which include supervisory control theory of DES under attacks, resilient software synthesis by reactive synthesis and secure-by-construction synthesis of cyber-physical systems.

Overall, in this workshop, we intend to achieve the following two goals:

(1) To report and showcase recent technical developments related to formal methods in system resilience; and

(2) to identify challenges ahead which, although hindering the current research efforts, are critical for safety-critical CPS, in order to arouse more interests and efforts at a broader societal level to ensure R&D sustainability.

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