IIEEE CSS Student Travel & Workshop Support Programs of CDC 2023

Program Details

The Organizing Committee of CDC 2023 is pleased to announce Student Travel & Workshop Support, made available by the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS).

The travel support funds are meant to enhance the chances of promising students to attend CDC 2023, present their papers and become more integrated into the CSS scientific community. The limited amount of funds available are not reimbursed to the student awardees, but are applied in advanced by the conference organizers to cover (i) conference registration and (ii) partial lodging expenses; please click here for more information about the Travel Support Program.

The workshop funds are meant to enhance the learning and career development of IEEE CSS Student Members. The funds will cover at least the workshop registration costs for a single workshop. The student (or advisor) will be responsible for any other costs that are not covered. Workshop attendance is required. Note that workshops are held the day before the first day of the conference. For more information about the CDC 2023 Workshops please click here and about the Workshop Support Program click here.

Application Procedures (Closed)

The application website opens on July 15 and closes on August 15. To apply please follow these directions:

    1. Students must fill in the form available here.
    2. After completing the form, the responses from the completed form (sent via email) must be saved as a pdf and submitted to Paperplaza as a “Student travel form” submission under “Submit a contribution to CDC 2023”.
    3. The final step requires the advisor submitting a letter of support (details below).

Important: Do not register until you have received the decision letter.

A letter from each applicant’s advisor is required to complete the application. This letter must be sent via email to Professor Philip E. Paré, Student Activities Chair of the IEEE Control Systems Society ([email protected]). The letter must certify that the applicant is currently enrolled as a student and is planning to attend the CDC 2023, and should include a short message of support of the student's application (less than 10 lines). In the case that the student is apply to both the student workshop support and the student travel award only one letter is required (but should mention both programs).

Eligibility and Requirements

In order to be eligible for either program, an applicant must be a student member of both IEEE and CSS, at the time of the conference registration. Note that CSS stands for the Control Systems Society and membership requires a relatively small extra cost in addition to the IEEE Membership. Please click here for the details and benefits of IEEE CSS Student membership.

Each applicant for travel support

    1. must be an author or co-author of a paper accepted for presentation at CDC 2023,
    2. must register at the conference (please see further instructions below),
    3. must present a paper.

Underrepresented minorities, women, and individuals with disabilities are highly encouraged to apply.

In case the number of applicants for travel support exceeds the budget, additional criteria will be used to make a selection among the applicants. These additional criteria, in decreasing order of importance, prefer applicants who will present more than one paper at the conference, have been student members of the CSS since one, two, or more years, can demonstrate active participation in CSS. In case the number of applicants for workshop support exceeds the budget, the support will be provided on a first-come, first-serve basis. In addition, the selection committee may decide to limit awards where more than one presenter from the same institution would otherwise be offered an award to attend the same conference.

Deadlines and Award Notification

    • July 15: The application form opens
    • August 15: The application form closes
    • August 31: Decision messages about travel & workshop support recipients are expected to be sent out

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not register until you have received the decision letter where the details of the special registration procedure for Student Travel & Workshop Supportees will be announced. Please be aware that the travel and/or workshop support may not be reimbursed in case you have already registered using the standard registration procedure.

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