Presentation Guidelines

To ensure the smooth organization of the technical program, we would like to bring to your attention some important information:

Oral Sessions:

  • Every conference room has a laptop and each session has been assigned a student volunteer to help you solve any problems that may arise.
  • Presenters are also allowed to use their own computer (although this is not encouraged). Please make sure that those computers are equipped with an HDMI interface.
  • Presentations are allotted a maximum of 17-18 minutes for the talk and the remaining time for questions from the audience, with a total time slot of 20 minutes.
  • Recommended slide format: 16 × 9 

Benchmark Challenge Poster Session:

  • Please prepare your poster as A0 size in portrait orientation, print it by yourselves and take it to the conference site.
  • Please arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of the session to prepare your poster.
  • At least one author of the poster should attend this session.
  • Please note the poster presentation quality will be taken into consideration in selecting benchmark related awards.
  • Detail requirements for the benchmark poster will be announced later by email directly.

Session Chair/Co-Chair Guidelines

  1. Please be at the room of the session you are chairing/co-chairing 10 minutes prior to the start of the session to coordinate with the presenters on transferring their files on the laptop.
  2. It is the Chair’s/Co-Chair's responsibility to introduce the presenters, make sure the time limits are respected, and to moderate the discussion at the end of each presentation by allowing short questions and answers.
  3. In case none of the authors of a paper are present to give a talk, you should report the case as a no-show. You will find a form in the room that you will need to fill. The volunteer will take care of bringing the form to the Registration Desk after the session has ended. Please do not jump to the next presentation till its scheduled start time. Please use the time for some discissions if possible.

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