CDC 2023 Tutorials

CDC 2023 has the following four tutorials on Wednesday and Thursday:

13 Dec, Wednesday morning, 10:00AM-12:00PM:

Nonstandard Linear-Quadratic Decision Making

WeA01  Tutorial Session, Orchid Main 4202-4306
Nonstandard Linear-Quadratic Decision Making
Chair: Basar, TamerUniv of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Co-Chair: Zhang, HuanshuiShandong University of Science and Technology
Organizer: Basar, TamerUniv of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Organizer: Zhang, HuanshuiShandong University of Science and Technology
10:00-10:20, Paper WeA01.1 
 Variations Around the Standard LQG Model (I)
Basar, TamerUniv of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
10:20-11:00, Paper WeA01.2 
 Advances in Linear-Quadratic Stochastic Differential Games (I)
Moon, JunHanyang University
11:00-11:20, Paper WeA01.3 
 Progress on Nonstandard LQ Control and Applications in Networked Control Systems (I)
Zhang, HuanshuiShandong University of Science and Technology
11:20-12:00, Paper WeA01.4 
 Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problems – Some Recent Results (I)
Yong, JiongminUniversity of Central Florida


13 Dec, Wednesday afternoon, 1:30PM-3:30PM:

Statistical Learning Theory for Identification and Control 

WeB01  Tutorial Session, Orchid Main 4202-4306
Statistical Learning Theory for Identification and Control
Chair: Ziemann, IngvarUniversity of Pennsylvania
Co-Chair: Tsiamis, AnastasiosETH Zurich
Organizer: Jedra, YassirKTH
Organizer: Matni, NikolaiUniversity of Pennsylvania
Organizer: Pappas, George J.University of Pennsylvania
Organizer: Tsiamis, AnastasiosETH Zurich
Organizer: Ziemann, IngvarUniversity of Pennsylvania
13:30-13:50, Paper WeB01.1 
 Introduction and Roadmap (I)
Ziemann, IngvarUniversity of Pennsylvania
Tsiamis, AnastasiosETH Zurich
13:50-14:10, Paper WeB01.2 
 Basic Concentration Inequalities (I)
Jedra, YassirKTH
Ziemann, IngvarUniversity of Pennsylvania
14:10-14:30, Paper WeB01.3 
 The Lower Tail of the Empirical Covariance (I)
Ziemann, IngvarUniversity of Pennsylvania
14:30-14:50, Paper WeB01.4 
 Self-Normalized Martingales (I)
Lee, BruceUniversity of Pennsylvania
14:50-15:10, Paper WeB01.5 
 Non-Asymptotic Linear System Identification (I)
Tsiamis, AnastasiosETH Zurich
15:10-15:30, Paper WeB01.6 
 Beyond Linear System Identification (I)
Ziemann, IngvarUniversity of Pennsylvania


14 Dec, Thursday morning, 10:00AM-12:00PM:

Analysis and Design of Optimization Algorithms Using Tools from Control Theory

ThA01  Tutorial Session, Orchid Main 4202-4306
Analysis and Design of Optimization Algorithms Using Tools from Control Theory
Chair: Van Scoy, Bryan Miami University
Co-Chair: Lessard, Laurent Northeastern University
Organizer: Lessard, Laurent Northeastern University
Organizer: Van Scoy, Bryan Miami University
10:00-10:20, Paper ThA01.1
 Optimization Algorithm Synthesis Based on Integral Quadratic Constraints: A Tutorial (I)
Scherer, Carsten W. University of Stuttgart
Ebenbauer, Christian RWTH Aachen University
Holicki, Tobias University of Stuttgart
10:20-10:40, Paper ThA01.2
 A Tutorial on a Lyapunov-Based Approach to the Analysis of Iterative Optimization Algorithms (I)
Van Scoy, Bryan Miami University
Lessard, Laurent Northeastern University
10:40-11:00, Paper ThA01.3
 A Tutorial on the Structure of Distributed Optimization Algorithms (I)
Van Scoy, Bryan Miami University
Lessard, Laurent Northeastern University
11:00-11:20, Paper ThA01.4
 Interpolation Constraints for Computing Worst-Case Bounds in Performance Estimation Problems (I)
Bousselmi, Nizar UCLouvain
Colla, Sebastien UCLouvain
Rubbens, Anne UCLouvain
Hendrickx, Julien M. UCLouvain
11:20-11:40, Paper ThA01.5
 On Fundamental Proof Structures in First-Order Optimization (I)
Goujaud, Baptiste Ecole Polytechnique
Dieuleveut, Aymeric Ecole Polytechnique
Taylor, Adrien Inria/Ecole normale supérieure


14 Dec, Thursday afternoon, 1:30PM-3:30PM:

Control and Optimization for Autonomous Energy Systems

ThB01  Tutorial Session, Orchid Main 4202-4306

Control and Optimization for Autonomous Energy Systems 

Chair: Bernstein, Andrey

National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL)

Organizer: Bernstein, Andrey

National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL)

Organizer: Cavraro, Guido

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

13:30-13:50, Paper ThB01.1


 Tutorial on Congestion Control in Multi-Area Transmission Grids Via Online Feedback Equilibrium Seeking (I)

Belgioioso, Giuseppe

ETH Zürich

Bolognani, Saverio

ETH Zurich

Dörfler, Florian

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich

13:50-14:10, Paper ThB01.2


 Time-Varying Feedback Optimization for Quadratic Programs with Heterogeneous Gradient Step Sizes (I)

Bernstein, Andrey

National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL)

Comden, Joshua

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Chen, Yue

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Wang, Jing

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

14:10-14:30, Paper ThB01.3


 Balancing the Power Grid with Cheap Assets (I)

Meyn, Sean P.

Univ. of Florida

Lu, Fan

University of Florida

Mathias, Joel

Arizona State University

14:30-14:50, Paper ThB01.4


 Tutorial on Grid-Forming Control of Grid-Connected Power Electronics and Renewable Generation (I)

Gross, Dominic

University of Wisconsin-Madison

14:50-15:10, Paper ThB01.5


 Modeling Unbalanced Power Flow with ∆ Devices (I)

Low, Steven

California Institute of Technology

15:10-15:30, Paper ThB01.6


 Convergence of Backward/Forward Sweep for Power Flow Solution in Radial Networks (I)

Fang, Bohang

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Zhao, Changhong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Low, Steven

California Institute of Technology


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